Chaperones - Each youth participant will have a chaperone. Conference organizers and chaperones are responsible for safety and discipline during all conference events. They should be informed of any emergency. Conference youth participants must follow the instructions of and cooperate with their designated chaperone. Should a participant violate this or other conference regulations, his or her chaperone and/or parents will be contacted immediately and asked to arrange for the youth’s transportation home.
Participation - Participation in all scheduled conference activities is expected. Participants must stay on-site throughout the entire conference. In case of an emergency, a participant can leave the conference only after being checked out with the conference coordinator in person by a parent, legal guardian or group leader.
Illegal and Inappropriate Items - Under no circumstances may alcohol, cigarettes, illegal drugs or weapons be possessed or used by youth participants at the conference.
Electronics - Absolutely no Cell Phones, CD players, iPods, or electronic devices. A participant found with any of these items will be asked to turn it in to conference staff until the end of the conference. In case of emergency, a chaperon's cell phone may be used. A participant found with a cell phone will be asked to turn it in to conference staff until the end of the conference.
Sleeping Arrangements - Bedroom and bath facilities in the dorms will be separated by gender. Participants may not under any circumstances visit the floors designated for the opposite sex. For security reasons, dorms are locked at all times and can only be unlocked by chaperons.
Dress Code - In order to foster a sense of unity and modesty, the Conference provides T-Shirts and requires them to be worn during the conference starting on Friday. For Thursday arrival, participants must wear a youth group t-shirt or other t-shirt. Shorts and skirts may be worn if they come to the knees. Clothing with offensive messages is prohibited. Those who violate the dress code will be required to change.
Respect of Property – Intentional abuse of campus, conference or other participant's property is prohibited. Parents and Legal Guardians will be held fully responsible for the costs of damages.
Public Display of Affection – Participants should never be alone, especially with a member of the opposite sex. Affectionate physical or sexual contact is never appropriate (ex: kissing, sitting on laps, arm on shoulder, and yes, even holding hands, as it creates a distraction for other participants).